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The Great Pyrenees is one of those dogs you never forget once you encounter one. These calm and well-mannered dogs are perfect for families with children because they are trustworthy, show lots of love, and are gentle.

If you have been considering bringing the Great Pyrenees into your family, you may be having a tough time deciding between a male and a female. Are there noticeable differences? Which one should you bring into your home?

In this article, we want to show you the clear differences between male and female Great Pyrenees. Knowing these distinctions will help you prepare for adoption.

Great Pyrenees laying in grass

What Are the Differences Between Male and Female Great Pyrenees?

There are multiple differences between male and female Great Pyrenees. Let’s explore the differences below so you will have a better idea of whether a male or female will fit best within your family.

Health Differences

One of the first things we will discuss is health differences. The health of a dog is more important than anything else.

Regarding health differences, they are primarily related to the distinctions between male and female reproductive organs.

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The following are some of the key health issues that are prone to develop in the Great Pyrenees.

Great Pyrenees puppy

Growth Disorders

There are two main growth disorders that affect the Great Pyrenees. Elbow and hip dysplasia occur when the bones do not align properly, and they begin to rub against one another and cause pain.

The Great Pyrenees is also prone to developing a condition called osteochondrodysplasia. This condition can ultimately cause bone deformities.

Eye Disorders

There are a few eye disorders that can occur in the Great Pyrenees. Consider the following.

  • Entropion causes the eyelashes to grow inward, leading to eye irritation.
  • Cataracts cause the lens to become clouded.
  • CMR can lead to blindness.
closeup of Great Pyrenees face

Digestive Concerns

The Great Pyrenees can also suffer from digestive disorders, including Gastric dilatation and volvulus, which causes severe bloating. In some cases, this condition can be life-threatening.

Personality Differences

Both male and female Great Pyrenees have lovable and gentle personalities, but they can both become more aggressive during their reproductive cycles.

To curb these behaviors, it is recommended to seek surgery to fix males and females. Spaying and neutering help prevent unwanted pregnancies and behaviors.

Training Differences

Bringing any dog into your family is going to mean training. A dog that receives no training is not going to live up to their ultimate potential.

If your male Great Pyrenees is intact, you may find he easily becomes distracted during training sessions. Intact females will behave with similar distractions when they are in heat.

Both males and females are easy to train, especially if they have been fixed. Training is a little more difficult if males and females are intact.

training a Great Pyrenees puppy with food

Energy Level Differences

Overall, male Great Pyrenees are slightly more energetic and can be a little more naughty. Females are more subdued, sometimes described as being moody.

Again, the energy levels of males and females relate to them being intact or fixed. You are going to see more obnoxious behaviors in dogs that have not been fixed than in those who have been spayed or neutered.

Male or Female: Which Is Right for Your Family?

If you have children, it is especially important to be mindful of the type of dog you bring into your home. When speaking of intact dogs, male Great Pyrenees can sometimes become overly excitable.

These dogs likely would not intentionally harm a child, but their playing style could be overly rough.

If you have children, an intact female will be gentler than an intact male. When you seek spaying and neutering for the Great Pyrenees, both become welcome additions to homes with children.

Great Pyrenees with a toddler

Is the Great Pyrenees Right For Your Family?

The Great Pyrenees were originally bred to act as shepherd dogs and herders. These lovable dogs are intelligent, fun, and excitable. You will also find the Great Pyrenees to be a fiercely loyal family dog.

Although the Great Pyrenees is a wonderful addition to most families, this dog breed is not for everyone. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you should adopt the Great Pyrenees.

man sitting with a Great Pyrenees

Is This Your First Time Owning a Dog?

If this is your first time adopting a dog, the Great Pyrenees probably is not going to be the best choice. They can be a little harder to train than some dogs. If you do decide to own a Great Pyrenees, make sure to get it spayed or neutered.

Are You Prepared for a Large Dog?

Males can grow up to 32 inches tall and weigh as much as 160 pounds. Females can grow up to 29 inches and weigh up to 110 pounds. If you have a small home or apartment, this may not be the best setup for this massive dog.

Great Pyrenees laying in the dirt

Do You Have Other Pets?

Same-sex dog pairings cause the most issues in homes. You will need to be prepared to introduce your new dog slowly and gently.

Final Thoughts

The Great Pyrenees is one of the most beautiful dogs on the planet, but they are not for everyone. There are differences between males and females. Understanding these contrasts will help you choose wisely.

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