Hunter Green is a beautifully balanced color, featuring both red and blue in nearly equal parts. In your home, this color would be nicely complemented by other balanced shades.
It is important to avoid putting any colors that are too cool near this shade of green, as it already has a touch of soot or smoke to the color and could go muddy if paired with gem tones, such as a royal blue or cherry red.

RGB: 68, 105, 61
Hex Code: #44693D
1) Light Orange
Orange and green work well together. If you choose the right shade and intensity of orange, the combination doesn’t have to remind you of Halloween.
Light orange is an ideal shade for this purpose; it has a very low concentration of blue and will gently glow in the company of Hunter Green.
Many people who use Hunter Green like it in rich fabrics, such as suede or velour. With light orange to set it off, your upholstery will appear quite sumptuous.
RGB: 252, 210, 153
Hex Code: #FCD299
Paint Color Samples
Would you like to sample these paint colors? I recommend using a peel and stick paint sample from SAMPLIZE. Peel and stick paint samples are very affordable and easy to use. They are also clean and environmentally friendly!
Advantages of using peel and stick paint samples:
- EASY TO USE: Simply move your SAMPLIZE paint sample around the room to test under a variety of lighting conditions.
- AFFORDABLE: Budget-friendly solution and no more buying inaccurate swatches, rollers, wasted paint.
- SUPER FAST DELIVERY: Depending on your location, 1 day delivery is possible.
- ORDER FROM HOME: Save a trip to the store looking for samples.
- NO MESS: SAMPLIZE uses real paint samples with zero-mess
- NO WASTE: No leftover cans or wasted paint.

2) Opal
Opal is the only green in this listing. Shades of green, like shades of blue, can tend to battle one another rather than playing nicely.
However, this lovely pale shade of gray-green would be an ideal addition to a room that features Hunter Green. You could even use opal fabric as a window treatment to set off a rug or large piece of furniture done in Hunter Green.
If you’re in an apartment and have beige or white walls, these two colors could add a lot of personality to the space.
RGB: 164, 189, 186
Hex Code: #A4BDBA
3) Pale Gold
Pale gold is a lovely option if you have a lot of Hunter Green in a small space. For example, if your Hunter Green sectional takes up the whole living room, pale gold on the walls could lighten the space.
This is also a wonderful shade to pair right next to Hunter Green, such as in a striped fabric or as a throw over a sofa.
RGB: 230, 190, 138
Hex Code: #E6BE8A

4) Apricot
Apricot is a beautiful shade that will stand up and stand out against Hunter Green, as a flower will stand out against the green leaves in a flower bed. Use this shade to add a visual break from a lot of green.
If you have a Hunter Green accent wall and a tan or beige sofa, add apricot pillows to brighten the room. Too much Hunter Green can swamp a space. Apricot can combat this.
RGB: 255, 182, 115
Hex Code: #FFB673
Try this shade of Apricot with Hunter Green:
Apricot Tint (086) – Benjamin Moore
Apricot Tint (086) by Benjamin Moore is a soft, warm peachy hue that brings a light, cheerful energy to any space. This delicate color works beautifully in bedrooms, nurseries, or living areas where a subtle, inviting warmth is desired.
Pair it with white or light neutral accents for a fresh, airy look, or with deeper tones for contrast. I also love it with Hunter Green!
Apricot Tint adds a gentle, soothing ambiance to your home.
Peel-and-Stick Paint Sample – Apricot Tint (086) – Beige – Benjamin Moore
Hex code: #f8dec9

5) Linen
Linen is a lush, warm shade that would be an ideal trim choice near Hunter Green. If you’re considering doing a whole room or a few walls in Hunter Green, consider using linen paint on a chair rail, a picture rail, or even wainscot paneling.
It would also be a great choice if you’re thinking of painting your upper kitchen cabinets a different color from the lower or island cabinets.
RGB: 240, 216, 195
Hex Code: #F0D8C3
6) Birch
Birch is of a similar intensity to Linen, but cooler in tone. If you decide to update your trim paint color from plain white and you have a lot of gray as well as green in your home, this color could be the bridge that draws everything together.
If you’re planning to apply both this color and Hunter Green in a large redecoration project, do not skimp on your sample size. Invest in some plain canvases and paint large enough samples that you can move them around and study them in the changing light.
Hunter Green loves warm or yellow light. This color may not tolerate warm light as well as you’d hoped.
RGB: 223, 215, 200
Hex Code: #DFD7C8

7) Rosy Tan (2091-50) – Brown – Benjamin Moore
Fans of old-fashioned furniture, especially wood finishes, will love Rosy Brown. It would be an ideal choice for a den, a library, or a study space.
This is a very comfortable color and will bring out the richness of Hunter Green, whether it’s on the walls, floors, or furniture. Be aware that this is a fairly saturated color.
It may be a bit dark in a room that needs to energize you, such as an office or a studio.
Peel-and-Stick Paint Sample – Rosy Tan (2091-50) – Tan – Benjamin Moore
RGB: 209, 154, 149
Hex Code: #d19a95

8) Ice Blue
Pairing green and blue is almost as hard as pairing green and green. Blue skies and green grass look terrific together, but Hunter Green is not as bright as grass and would appear quite muddy against a shade of sky blue.
That being said, Ice Blue is quite balanced and has a lot of green in it. If you plan to paint a space with Hunter Green carpet or a large set of furniture in the same shade, create a couple of samples, let them dry, and set them right against the green to make sure you like the effect.
RGB: 200, 233, 233
Hex Code: #C8E9E9
9) Aubergine
Pairing purple and green can be a challenge. Most shades of purple have a lot of blue in them and Hunter Green doesn’t always take kindly to blue.
However, Aubergine could add a lot of rich depth to your Hunter Green pieces. This rich purple shade has enough green in it to work well with Hunter.
If you have a lot of both of these colors in one space, light from below and keep other colors very simple.
RGB: 105, 60, 94
Hex Code: #693C5E

10) French Gray
French Gray is a beautifully balanced shade of gray. It’s also the only gray in the listing, because, like blue and green, gray and green can go badly wrong. This shade is nearly perfectly neutral.
If your home decor tends to be warm but you’re not a big fan of matching sets of anything, put this on your walls to draw it all together.
RGB: 180, 177, 154
Hex Code: #B4B19A
11) Earthy Red
Red and green are also hard to pair because they are closely connected to a holiday, not just a decorating style. However, Earthy Red leans pretty hard toward brown and has a lot of green in it.
If you choose to use these colors in the same space, do your best to lighten the space with some architectural touches.
Consider mid-century modern furniture with legs instead of pieces that have little clearance; these colors in combination may be rather heavy. Invest in bright brass lamps with lots of warm shine.
RGB: 153, 71, 88
Hex Code: #994758
12) Silvery Pink
If red and green make Christmas, pink and green sort of scream Easter basket. However, this pink is very special. This color has a matching blend of green and blue.
Silvery Pink is a pale shade that leans toward pink but doesn’t have any bubble gum in it at all. That being said, it’s pretty warm.
Create yourself a sample to make sure that this color will keep your Hunter Green items looking lush and elegant.
RGB: 220, 181, 180
Hex Code: #DCB5B4